Monday, April 18, 2011

Stress at work is deadly

Everyone works for a reason. Top reason is to earn for a living, to sustain our lives with the three (3) basic needs which are food, clothing, and shelter. Additions to these are the bills to pay like electric, water, telephone, internet, and tuition fee. It seems like we badly need money to exchange for our daily living. Even though all these stuff are the reasons to work for. Don’t we know that working hard beyond our capacity could worsen our health?

We usually have our overtime to sustain our other expenses, needs, and wants. Dealing with different customers, meeting with the panel, work overloads, and reaching the expectations can cause us stress that could be a threat to our health.

Dealing with our daily work could really cause us what we called negative stress. Negative stress is a kind of stress that makes the body weak, lowers antibodies of our immune system, and making ourselves out of our natural system. Stress such as these produces toxins, toxins that can trigger some deadly disease like high blood pressure, chronic heart disease, and even cancer.

Live right. Live one day at a time. Handle anger very well. Have you know the saying “Anger is like drinking poison and waiting your enemy to die”. Have time to relax yourself. Be inspired with your work as what Confucius says “Choose the job that you like and you will never work even a day in your life” Work in a daily basis, do not over work your body. Have some time to breathe the morning air. Appreciate the nature and have time to meditate before your daily bedtime prayers.

Communicate with your friends, have a quality time with your family, talk with your loved ones and appreciate the goodness of living. Live your life to the fullest in a balanced way.